This is script allows to create personalized list of movies or TV Shows to be integrated in the local library and to be played for Pulsar.
The advantage is that you have all the tools from local library as trailer, cinema experience, etc.
The script makes a database, then you can run the script periodic and it will add only the new entries. If you erase the file from the local library, it won't add it again.
You can erase the database any moment from the script plugin.
It is possible to write the list manually or create them from internet.
listing = ['Game of thrones', 'The Simpsons'] example from list tv shows
ID = [] empty for tv shows
subscription.integration(listing, ID,'SHOW', path to save)
listing = ['Frozen (2013)', 'Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)'] example from list movies, it is better to have the year
ID = [] IMDB_ID, if it is empty the function will figure it out
subscription.integration(listing, ID,'MOVIE', path to save)
listing = ['Edge of tomorrow', 'Gone girl'] example from list movies, the year isn't necessary
ID = ['tt1631867', 'tt2267998'] IMDB_ID, if it is empty the function will figure it out
subscription.integration(listing, ID,'MOVIE', path to save)
It gets information from addon configuration
settings = subscription.Settings() # create the setting object
settings.movie_folder = path to save the movies settings.show_folder = path to save the tv shows
browser = subscription.Browser() define the browser to open URL
- url to open
- return true if it is 200 status
- browser.status : status and error
- browser.content : content html
browser.login(url, payload, verification expression) open a page and do the login, return true if can login
- url login page
- payload dictionary {'username': username, 'pass', password, ..} all the variable from the FORM
- verification expression, string to check it couldn't login, like incorrect username and password.