
Use an HTML Form to send and SMS via Twilio

Primary LanguagePHP

Form to SMS

This is a simple example of how you can use Twilio to add SMS functionality to a web form.

Using this code

In order to use this code you will need:

  • A web sever capable of running PHP
  • An FTP client, or some other way to deploy code
  • An upgraded Twilio account
  • An SMS enabled phone number which you have purchased from Twilio

You will need to follow these steps:

  1. Download and unzip this code
  2. Rename the folder form_to_sms for now. You can rename it again later, it just makes it easer to explain what we are going to do next.
  3. Download and unzip Twilio PHP Helper Library
  4. Move the Services folder from the Twilio PHP folder you just unzipped into the form_to_sms folder
  5. Open form_to_sms.php and replace the dummy Account SID, Auth Token and Sending Number with values relevant to your Twilio Account.
  6. Upload the entire form_to_sms folder to your web server, and visit the URL of index.html

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