
Designed a game for a school project.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


  • Written entirely in Python
  • Text-based user interface (achieved using print() function or using turtle and matplotlib library)
  • Only standard libraries (no pip install)

2. Game Description

  • Based on the Final Fantasy's game of Triple Triads.
  • Main objective: win as many cards as possible on a nxn grid.
  • Basic Logic:
    • Each player is given N poker-cards with 4 values randomly placed on each edge as shown:

      where aside from value from 1 to 9, we represent Face Card's values and number 10 as A for Ace, K for King, Q for Queen, J for Jack, T for 10. This is to simplify the display formatting.

    • Player will take turn to place their cards on a nxn (2N > n^2) grid. We use 3x3 grid as example below:

    • When a card is placed next to another card, the adjacent values will be used to compare which card is superior. The superior card will win over the inferior card. Whoever owns most card at the end of the game (when the board is filled) will be the winner

    • e.g:

      • A winning choice for card at cell 8 as Q (current card) > T (right neighbor)
      • A losing choice for card at cell 5 (middle): J (current card) < A (top neighbor) by 3 points && 4 (current card) < K (bottom neighbor) by 9 points && J (currnet card) > 8 (left neighbor) by 3 points so overall there is a net loss of 9 points
      • If a move doens't result in winning or losing a card, it is deemed a normal choice.
    • Currently, this is a one player game (vs a non-player character NPC) with 3 difficulties:

      • EASY: values are generated from 7 to A
      • MEDIUM: values are generated from 4 to 11
      • HARD: values are generated from 2 to 9 you can choose your difficulty level while NPC's card is capped at MEDIUM level

3. How to Play

  • Clone this repository and open jupyter notebook to try out the game.
  • Input your name and choose your difficulties:
  • Random cards will be distributed to your hand:
  • The coin_toss function will randomly determines who play first (equal probability).
  • When it is your turn, you can pick one card from your hand and then choose a position on the board to place:
  • After placing your card, the display of the board will be printed on the screen:
  • Our logic will then evaluate whether your move is winning, losing or normal to change the card owner after every move:
  • NPC will randomly place card during his turn.
  • Continue to play until the whole board is filled.

4. Strengths:

  • content and logic are stored in different folders so different teammates can work separately easily.
  • all functions are kept as modularized as possible.
  • hardcodes are minimized so our game can be easily scaled up to bigger board, more cards or more players.