In the app/index.html
file, search for "TODO" and fill in the blanks.
Follow these guide to Dockerize the sample node app.
Extra: Learning how to render HTML file using express.js
In the nginx-sample/index.html
file, search for "TODO" and fill in the blanks.
Follow these guide to dockerise the sample NGINX reverse proxy to serve the static HTML in nginx/index.html
Create a new NGINX conf file and Dockerfile in nginx
folder. Run the application stack in app
and nginx
using docker-compose
Follow this guide to use NGINX to act as a reverse proxy such that when a browser makes a HTTP request, the request first goes to the reverse proxy and then sends the request to the appropriate web server. Your final task, you have to server the node app in app
folder. Use a separate config file from A1.2.
This assignment has three parts:
- A2.1 Deploy a local k8s cluster
- A2.2 Deploy your A1 Docker image as Deployment in A2.1 cluster
- A2.3 Deploy Ingress to expose A2.2 Deployment to your localhost
Follow the guide in demo/a2/ to complete the tasks. Place your manifests in k8s/manifests/ and commands used in k8s/
This assignment has two parts:
- A3.1 Deploy HorizontalPodAutoscaler that makes A2.2 Deployments scale up under load.
- A3.2 Modify your A2.2 Deployment to be distributed equally in each zone
Follow the guide in demo/a3/ to complete the tasks. Place your manifests in k8s/manifests/ and commands used in k8s/
- First create 2 container images:
for the web app:
docker build -t blongtran/otot:node ./app
for the nginx reverse proxy server
docker build -t blongtran/otot:nginx ./nginx
- Combine them in docker-compose.yml:
- both the app are under the same network so nginx/default.conf configures the proxy to use
to serve the web app to users onhttp://localhost:80
- Deploy
docker compose up -d
- Check output at http://localhost
- both the app are under the same network so nginx/default.conf configures the proxy to use
- Clean up
docker-compose down --rmi all -v --remove-orphans
$ alias k=kubectl
- Create k8s cluster
kind create cluster --name otot --config k8s/kind/cluster-config.yaml
docker ps -a
k cluster-info
- Create deployment, service for
images from A1.1_3
k apply -f k8s/manifests/node.yaml
- Create deployment, service and ingress for
images from A1.1_3
k apply -f k8s/manifests/nginx.yaml
- Create ingress controller
k apply -f
- Check output at http://localhost
- Create metrics server
k apply -f
- edit TLS
k -nkube-system edit deploy/metrics-server
- add flag
- rerun
k -nkube-system rollout restart deploy/metrics-server
- edit TLS
- Apply
k apply -f k8s/manifests/hpa.yaml
k get po --watch
- Apply
k apply -f k8s/manifests/nginx.yaml
k get po -owide --sort-by='.spec.nodeName'