
Primary LanguageQML

Design files for a electrophysiology (ephys) recording tailored for the clinic. Our system is based on Intan technologies (intantech.com). 

If any of the materials are used, please cite:

J. Hermiz, N. Rogers, E. Kaestner, M. Ganji, D. Cleary, J. Snider, D. Barba, S. Dayeh, E. Halgren, V. Gilja "A clinic compatible, open source electrophysiology system." 2016 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC). IEEE, 2016.

Included in this system are:

-Power Isolator (nacq/pcbs/Isolation Board)
-> Provides isolated power to Intan headstages. Can support up to 256 channels.

-Easy Board (nacq/pcbs/Easy Board)
-> Adapter for isolator board to intan spi cables

-Flex Adapter (nacq/pcbs/Flex Adapter)
-> Adapter that accepts flat flex cables (FFC) and plugs into headstages (RHD2132 and RHD2164)

-NACQ Case (nacq/cases/nacq)
-> Enclosure for neural acquistion hardware (power isolator and RHD2000)

-Easy Board Case (nacq/cases/Easy Board)
-> 3D printed case

Flex Adapter Case (nacq/cases/Flex Adapter)
-> 3D printed case

Intan Headstage Cases (nacq/cases/Intan Headstages)
-> 3D printed cases for RHD2164

NACQ Software (nacq/software/nacq)
-> Software to acquire and record data. Runs only on Windows 7+ systems.