EXIOMOD - open


EXIOMOD 2.0 shall not be used for commercial purposes until an exploitation aggreement is signed, subject to similar conditions as for the underlying database (EXIOBASE). EXIOBASE limitations are based on open source license agreements to be found here: http://exiobase.eu/index.php/terms-of-use For information on a license, please contact: hettie.boonman@tno.nl

How to start

  1. Clone repository to your local computer.
  2. Go to local repositories and open EXIOMOD-open repo.
  3. Click tools and options in the upper right corner and choose Open in explorer.
  4. In the opened window create a new file TNO-Eco-Mod.gpr. This will be your GAMS project file. It will stored localy on your computer and it will not be synced. When you switch branches it will still be in your local folder.
  5. Open TNO-Eco-Mod.gpr in GAMS, either by double-clicking it or via GAMS IDE.
  6. Now you can start running and changing GAMS codes as usual.