Distributed Game of Life

Created as Master Thesis in Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University. Master Thesis presentation in Ukrainian: PDF.

Project importing

git clone git@github.com:valerii540/Distributed-Game-of-Life.git && cd Distributed-Game-of-Life
mill mill.bsp.BSP/install

Then open project in your IDE.


As separate processes on single machine

You can use predefined bash scripts from the scripts folder

  • ./scripts/run_master.sh - will start master node. Master node always use 2551 and 8080 port
  • ./scripts/run_worker.sh 2552 4G worker-0 - will start worker node with user-defined parameters: artery port, max memory and unique ID. You can set additional parameter to override max field dimensions - height * width (useful for debugging)

Desktop client

There is GUI client to control cluster. It supports all available cluster API: assignments control, cluster control. Also, it provides cluster visual overview and monitoring.