This Program allows you to create snapshots of Proton Experimental and bleeding edge builds.

This will create a snapshot of the current Proton Experimental build downloaded to the computer.
If you are creating an Experimental snapshot, it will look like Ex-(Date it was created)
If you are creating an Experimental bleeding edge snapshot, it will look like ExBE-(Version)
To run the program,

  1. Clone the repo.
git clone
  1. Entering the directory.
cd ProtonExperimentalBuilds
  1. Running the script.
  1. The extracted proton version will be in your /home/$USER/Downloads/ directory.

To run a build,

  1. Download a build from the releases tab.
  2. Extract it to /home/$USER/.steam/steam/compatibilitytools.d/.
  3. In steam, go to the games settings, -> properties -> compatibility.
  4. Check Force the use of a specific Steam Play compatibility tool.
  5. click on the ExBE or Ex version of proton.

Should probably add automatically detect if it is an experimental build or bleeding edge and delete the right version. Maybe add an automatically download and install intro compadibility tools folder script.