
Tamagotchi Like Fitness App

Primary LanguageKotlin


Welcome to RUN WITH ME, a Tamagotchi like fitness app designed to help students keep track of their exercise with the help of a "running buddy."

It's very simple. Open the app, say hello to your running buddy (feed him/her) and get exercising!

The app uses the built-in pedometer functionality of your Android phone.

The app also has an achievements page when you hit milestones in your fitness experience, a profile section to adjust settings, and a circle pedometer page when you hit the exercise button.

What are you waiting for? Download our GitHub, run the app, and have fun!

Development Environment

This app was developed in Android Studio using the Kotlin language. One of the main features is a pedometer that showcases in a circular progress bar. This cicular progress bar was very simply made using Lopez Mikhael's and Yutaro Iino's api project, CircularProgressBar. The app uses the phones native pedometer to read the amount of steps and to keep track of it in the shared preferences. We can also reset the native pedometer in the app as well! We programmed this app to be able to run on Android KitKat or newer.


  • Michael McFarland
  • Madelyn McGreer
  • Trevor Neri
  • Gavin South
  • Hera Yang

Useful Websites

Future Work

  • Settings (Add settings for users to change certain elements of the app.)
  • Add more unlockable pets for users to collect.
  • Add friends/Social features.