
Interpreter code, and language definition, for the tyler programming langauge, The world's most useless programming language™️!

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

The tyler Language

The world's most useless programming language™️!

Language Definition

The tyler language (which uses extensions .tyler or .ty) is something I made because I thought it would be "fun". There are no practical applications for this language, and trying to use this language for a practical application is against the rules.

Data Types

tyler has 3 data types, because tbh you don't need anymore.

  • Values

    This is any single value, like text or a number

  • Lists

    A list can be made up of any of the three data types

  • Execs

    A reusable bit a code, that, once defined, can be executed like any of the five core commands


tyler has five core commands


Tells something, in other words, this is the print statement, and it works for any of the three data types
t $value|$list|$exec

  • value

    Prints the value

  • list

    Prints each item in the list (essentially just calls t on each)

  • exec

    Prints out the code stored for this exec


Yells something, essentially the same as t, but it'll be in all-caps
y $value|$list|$exec


Creates a list with the given name and items (space separated)
l $name $item1 $item2 ... $itemN
Items can any of the three data types


Create an exec
e $name $code
$code can be any of the five commands, or another exec:

  • e greeting t hello
    would print "hello"
  • e greeting t hello
    e hello greeting
    would print "hello"
  • e initList l stuff test 1 foo
    would initialize the list "stuff" with items test, 1, and foo


This command has two different functions, depending on syntax

  1. Repeat a line When a line with just r is placed below another line of the code, r will repeat that line's execution:

    t hello

    would print out:

  2. "Repeat" the contents of a list
    This will iterate over all the items in a list and evaluate them based upon their type

    • value
      Prints the value (effectively t $value)
    • list
      Repeats the contents of the list (effectively r $list)
    • exec
      Executes the exec