
Android App that uses the News Public API

Primary LanguageJava


App description

NewsApp is a simple android app that uses a public news api to display news articles to the user. It also allows the user to search for news articles based on any topic. Additionally, the user can save their favorite articles in a collection that is stored locally on the mobile device. The app implement Retrofit and Coroutines to retrieve data from the api, and used ROOM to allow the user to store their favorite articles.

Note: To to able to run this app, you need to get an API KEY from News Api website and update the Constance class line 5 with the key


  • Retrofit
  • ROOM
  • Coroutines
  • News Api
  • MVVM Architecture
  • ViewBinding
  • Navigation Component
  • Search
  • Pagination


This application was made and is maintained by Thulani Mpofu

Lessons Learned

  • ROOM
  • Coroutines
  • MVVM Architecture
  • ViewBinding
  • Navigation Components (passing arguments between fragments)
  • Pagination