
Simple, fast and small video looper for the Raspberry Pi.

Primary LanguageShell

Raspberry Pi Video Looper Features

  • prebuilt Raspberry Pi images
  • boots silently with boot splash screen including progress bar
  • boots directly into omxplayer
  • The device will also setup a TTY on the UART (ttyAMA0). You can connect with an USB serial converter.
  • video can be put into the '/boot' folder (2GB of space available)
  • No WiFi, no network.
  • absolute slim buildroot distro (≈160MB) running linux 5.10.78 kernel. Bare system takes 10MB of RAM only!

By the way: Raspberry Pi Zero W boots up in 14 seconds!

Detailed description

Most of the buildroot adaptions are stored in the ./board/tt_rpi/rootfs-overlay folder. After creating the sdcard.img it's content is placed in the root / folder.

There are two board configurations available at the moment:

  • rpi0w_tt_defconfig for RPi Zero (V1.3) and RPi Zero W (V1.1), both tested
  • rpi4_tt_defconfig for RPi 4, tested

Custom settings

Below you will find the explanations of how the customization is made on the final running Raspberry Pi image.
If you want to apply the settings before building, you can adapt the board/toldotechnik_rpi/rootfs-overlay folder. The default URL for the browser is defined in tthe board/toldotechnik_rpi/post-image.sh script.

Full screen video player

Our distro boots directly into a full screen video player. We use the super fast omxplayer which supports a lot of codecs.

To enable video playback follow these steps:

  • Put the video file into the /boot/ folder.
  • Set the path of the video file in /boot/video.txt It should look something like this: /boot/video1.mp4

The video gets played in loop mode.

Boot splash screen

Our custom boot splash is enabled by default. Please contact us if you want another boot splash logo in a prebuilt image. You also can replace the logo by yourself. Please refer to the build section.

We took some existing init scripts and appended the /usr/bin/psplash-write "PROGRESS x" command, so the progress bar increases while booting and decreases when a shutdown is in progress.

Serial console

The device will setup a TTY on the internal UART (ttyAMA0, baud rate: 115200). You can connect to it with an USB to serial converter. Ensure to have 3.3V level!

Console output on ttyAMA0 while booting


converter (RX) - green - (TX) RPi

converter (TX) - red - (RX) RPi

Connect GND to GND if you're using different power supplies for the RPi and the serial converter.

Root password

The root password is root

Please change it after first boot: passwd root

Prebuilt images

Prebuilt images are freely available from our server.

Image files can be written the same way as the official Raspberry Pi images. Please see https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/installation/installing-images/

If you're using Etcher or the Raspberry Pi Imager, you can take the compressed image file without extracting it.

How to build it manually

Prerequisites for Ubuntu 18.04

apt install -y git subversion bc zip build-essential subversion libncurses5-dev zlib1g-dev gawk gcc-multilib flex  gettext libssl-dev

add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
apt update
apt install gcc-8 g++-8
update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-8 800 --slave /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-8


Clone our repo.

git clone https://github.com/TOLDOTECHNIK/Raspberry-Pi-Video-Looper

Clone the official buildroot branch 2021.11.

git clone --branch 2021.11 https://github.com/buildroot/buildroot.git
cd buildroot

Add our custom board folder

cp -r ../Raspberry-Pi-Video-Looper/board/tt_rpi ./board/

Then add our custom board config

cp ../Raspberry-Pi-Video-Looper/configs/rpi0w_tt_defconfig ./configs

Everything is ready now. You can load your board's configuration by typing

make rpi0w_tt_defconfig


make rpi4_tt_defconfig

If you want to make your own changes, run this before compiling.

make menuconfig

Finally build everything with


After a while the final image is ready to burn. You can take it from the output directory: ./output/images/sdcard.img

Custom psplash logo

Before building you can replace the boot screen logo by your own. Just put your transparent PNG file into ./board/tt_rpi/ Name it psplash-logo.png.