Master Spring Boot 2



System requirement

  1. java8
  2. maven 3.5.3
  3. mysql 5.6
  4. tomcat 8.5 (if you build with .war)

Using .jar vs .war

Traditionally we will have separate web container like tomcat to deploy .war file to but Spring boot provide building with "fat jar" that embedded predefine tomcat, so we can java -jar to start server

When using .war, we should have ServletInitializer extends SpringBootServletInitializer

To control what final file format build to, we can control in pom.xml properties <packaging>jar</packaging>


Set up local dev env

  1. cp -R src\main\resources\ src\main\resources\config.local
  2. mvn install
  3. mvn clean package -Dflyway.configFiles=target\classes\ flyway:migrate -P local
  4. mvn clean install -P local spring-boot:run


In local env, default will run the application in debug model as defined in pom.xml with port 5005.

If want run manually, try below

mvn spring-boot:run"-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005"

Database Versioning

We use flyway to do db versioning, as we want more control, we do not directly intergate flyway to spring boot but using flyway maven plugin

ORM layer


flyway provide different commands to help use to controller db migration,

pattern: mvn clean package -Dflyway.configFiles=target\classes\ flyway:${flyway_action} -P ${env}

most commonly used:

mvn clean package -Dflyway.configFiles=target\classes\ flyway:info -P local

mvn clean package -Dflyway.configFiles=target\classes\ flyway:migrate -P local


We only force on integration test

Test case run in different db

To avoid maven test phase in every build life cycle, <maven.test.skip>true</maven.test.skip> is added to pom.xml to skip test phase

mvn command for test should always add -P testing parameter

Test log is skipped by configing src/test/resources/logback-test.xml

Steps to run test

  1. update db.url in config.testing/ and config.testing/
  2. create test db mvn clean package -Dflyway.configFiles=target\classes\ flyway:migrate -P testing
  3. run mvn test -Dmaven.test.skip=false -P testing

Health check

We using spring-actuator to provide health check endpoint

curl localhost:8888/actuator/health


Swagger2 for API doc

Swagger2 default enable for profile local,dev

after server start go http://localhost:8888/swagger-ui.html


create key: keytool -genkey -alias selfsigned_localhost_ssl -storetype PKCS12 -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -keystore local_ssl.p12 -validity 3650 -keypass local_ssl -storepass local_ssl

place to resources/

uncomment below in


Spring-boot admin

There is very good monitoring console using actuator endpoints to visualize data


Make use of spring-boot-devtools, when start with mvn clean install -P local spring-boot:run, we can call mvn install in another console, the app will restart

In Intellij, we need start the project with run configuration spring-boot-play [spring-boot:run], create you own if not exist, then follow to enable auto compile

Spring File Integration

configure FileIntegrationConfig to set up channel, channel chain now is





add all customize to RestClientConfig using RestTemplateBuilder to build the template.

for the client store business logic, add new class to path com.example.springbootplay.httpclient

default we have LogRequestDetailHttpRequestInterceptor for all http request out bound. If need special handing, need add the Interceptor when injecting RestTemplate bean

Config properties

Project Design

Controller Layer

provide HTTP call routing end point for external consumer, returning data with POJO. Bridge for Service Layer business logic and external consumer

Service Layer

provide business logic implementation. Bridge for Controller Layer and Dao Layer

Dao Layer

bride for Service Layer business and database data access, normally using ORM framework to abstract the conversion of database data and business object. Bridge for Service Layer and database

mybatis-plus is used as ORM stack, read the API doc for quick start


stateless function that do not keep any information and not reply on any Service Layer business logic



code template

It is suggest that using CodeGen intelliJ plug to create dao-service-model template