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TOPDEI - Competitive Programming Tournaments

What is the TOPDEI project?

TOPDEI is a project funded by First Foundation Initiative at the Department of Informatics Engineering, University of Coimbra that aims to prepare students for programming competitions. This project comprises a set of activities with students, such as tournaments, traineeships and courses (see more at PC1 and PC2).

Repository Structure

1. PDF files

The repository contains the following PDF files:

  • The contest_rules.pdf contains the instructions about the programming contest, such as the rules and the available programming languages and compilation flags.

  • The contest_mooshak.pdf contains information about how to use the Mooshak system to submit the solutions and how to use the system to test the solutions.

Note: The instructions are in Portuguese.

2. Instructions folder to compile, run and test the code

To help the participants, the repository also contains a programs directory with the source code of a basic program in each programming language (C, C++, Python and Java) and a README.md file with instructions on how to compile, run and test the program for each language.

3. C++ Cheat Sheet

The repository also contains a cpp_cheat_sheet.md file with a summary of the most important C++ concepts, such as the STL, the syntax and the most important functions.