Queue Task

Your task is to implement the TaskProcessorServiceImpl class, which will have only one method - processTasks(). This method should process all tasks from the passed taskQueueService queue. Use the methods of this interface to achieve the result.


  1. First, you should use composition and create an instance of the TaskQueue class. Then, also add its initialization in the constructor.
  2. Next, implement the TaskProcessorImpl interface and override its methods.
  3. In the implementation of the interface, use a while loop with the isEmpty() method as the condition.
  4. Inside the while loop, use the taskQueueService.getNextTask() method, indicating that the task is completed. Output information to the screen using System.out.println() - "Processing Task: " + task.
  5. When the loop finishes its work, output "All tasks processed." to the screen.
  6. Run the tests and check the correctness of your solution.