
Command and control bot for the TORQ Digital Labs Discord server.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

TORQ Discord Bot

Build & Publish Docker Image to Docker Hub Lint Docker Image Version Docker Pulls Supported Platforms

A command and control bot for the TORQ Digital Labs Discord server.


  • Easy Installation
  • Easy Configuration
  • Simple to Use
  • Docker Secrets Support


  • A host with Docker installed.
  • A host on a supported CPU architecture: armv6 | armv7 | armv8 | amd64


These commands can be issued by users on the server, and if the user is a member of a role with access to run that command, the command will be processed. Otherwise, an error will display, letting the user know that they aren't a member of the right role.

Command Option Example Description
/avatar target /avatar target:@Tyrelius#0001 Get the avatar URL of the selected user, or your own avatar.
/beep - /beep Beep!
/kick target /kick target:@Tyrelius#0001 Select a member and kick them (but not really).
/options-info input /options-info input:This is an example. Information about the options provided.
/ping - /ping Replies with Pong!
/prune amount /prune amount:10 Prune up to 99 messages.
/server - /server Display info about this server.
/user-info - /user-info Display info about yourself.

Running the TORQ Discord Bot

Before you run the TORQ Discord Bot's Docker container, you'll need to set up the bot inside of Discord at the Discord Developer Portal.

Discord Setup

TODO: Add instructions for setting up the Discord bot.

Docker Setup

If you haven't installed Docker yet, install it by running:

$ curl -sSL https://get.docker.com | sh
$ sudo usermod -aG docker $(whoami)
$ exit

Then log out and log back in again, or reboot.

To automatically install & run the TORQ Discord Bot, simply run:

$ docker run -d \
  --name=torq-discord-bot \
  -e DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN=your_discord_bot_token \
  -e DISCORD_BOT_CLIENTID=123456789012345678 \
  -e DISCORD_SERVER_GUILDID=876543210987654321 \
  -v ~/.torq-discord-bot:/usr/src/APP \
  --restart unless-stopped \

💡 Replace your_discord_bot_token with your Discord bot's token.

💡 Replace 123456789012345678 with your Discord bot's OAuth2 client ID.

💡 Replace 876543210987654321 with the Server ID of the server this Discord bot will run on.

💡 Your configuration file can be saved in ~/.torq-discord-bot

Docker Compose

If you'd like to add the TORQ Discord Bot to a docker-compose, you can begin with this example:

Add this to /opt/compose/docker-compose.yaml and run it with

$ docker-compose -f /opt/compose/docker-compose.yaml up -d
version: '3.7'
    image: torqdl/discord-bot:latest
    container_name: discord-bot
    restart: unless-stopped
      # ⚠️ Required if not using a config.json file in a volume:
      DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN: "your_discord_bot_token"
      DISCORD_BOT_CLIENTID: "123456789012345678"
      DISCORD_SERVER_GUILDID: "876543210987654321"
      # ⚠️ Highly recommended to use Docker secrets,
      # especially if you commit this code to a repo:
      DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN_FILE: /run/secrets/token
      DISCORD_BOT_CLIENTID_FILE: /run/secrets/clientId
      DISCORD_SERVER_GUILDID_FILE: /run/secrets/guildId
      # ⚠️ Required if not using environment variables,
      # so that you can enter your config.json file:
      - /opt/torq-discord-bot:/usr/src/APP
      - token
      - clientId
      - guildId
    file: /opt/compose/.secrets/token.txt
    file: /opt/compose/.secrets/clientId.txt
    file: /opt/compose/.secrets/guildId.txt


TODO: Add instructions for using the config.json file, or using the environment variables.


To update to the latest version, simply run:

$ docker stop torq-discord-bot
$ docker rm torq-discord-bot
$ docker pull torqdl/discord-bot

And then run the docker run -d \ ... command above again.

If you are using Docker Compose, you can update with:

$ docker-compose -f /opt/compose/docker-compose.yaml pull
$ docker-compose -f /opt/compose/docker-compose.yaml up -d

Change Log


  • Initial release of the TORQ Discord Bot.


There are three main releases available from Docker Hub:

  • :latest is the latest production release.
  • :nightly is the latest build from the master branch, but may not be ready for production release.
  • :development is the latest development build.

Additionally, you may pull individual versions from each branch.

  • Production: :1.1.0
  • Nightly: :1.1.0-nightly
  • Development: :1.1.0-dev