master branch may be unstable since it is in development, please switch to tags, for example: release/4.18.0
The goal of thie plugin is to provide a SOCI wrapper for UE4 and ORM ability.
What is SOCI? It is a C++ Database Access Library, you can check detail here.
You can find document here: doc/doxygen/html/index.html
Tested UnrealEngine version: 4.13, 4.18
put HorizonDatabasePlugin into YOUR_PROJECT/Plugins folder, and then add module to your project YOUR_PROJECT.Build.cs: PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "HorizonDatabase"});
List of Modules:
Editor: HorizonDatabaseEditor
Runtime: HorizonDatabase
ThirdParty: soci_core, soci_empty, soci_sqlite3
DB2: not implemented
Firebird: not implemented
MySQL: not implemented
ODBC: not implemented
Oracle: not implemented
PostgreSQL: not implemented
Sqlite3: implemented
Tested Engine veriosn: 4.18
Windows: tested.
MACOSX: Failed. need modify engine(Engine/Source/Programs/UnrealBuildTool/Mac/MacToolChain.cs) to enable rtti.
Android: tested, need cherry pick this commit and rebuild engine source code.
iOS: not tested, need cherry pick this commit and rebuild engine source code.
Linux: not tested.
- 4.18.0
- Fix 4.18.0 compile and refactor submodules
- 0.2.0
- Refactor: Implement and adjust function for blueprint
- BugFix: Fix UTF8 type_conversion from db to FString
- 0.1.0
- NEW: First Version including core features.