- 0
- 0
Generate stales only for existing services
#613 opened by SteBaum - 0
Status edition history informations
#477 opened by PaulFarault - 1
Dedicated DAO for sch status object
#520 opened by PaulFarault - 1
Move the queries script outside of the CLI
#540 opened by SteBaum - 0
Refactor log messages of the logger in the TDP Core
#543 opened by SteBaum - 0
Prevent overriding an existing plan
#513 opened by PaulFarault - 0
Create a query showing a RUNNING deployment
#538 opened by SteBaum - 0
Missing `RUNNING` status for operations
#517 opened by PaulFarault - 1
- 0
- 0
- 6
Define log level based on a config file
#516 opened by PaulFarault - 0
`Dag` class update
#519 opened by PaulFarault - 0
Optimize deployment database updates
#518 opened by PaulFarault - 0
feat: Exporting and/or importing a plan from a file
#397 opened by mdrutel - 0
Update README requirements
#443 opened by PaulFarault - 0
Missing "end" time on deployment log when failure
#437 opened by PaulFarault - 1
Choose between `state` and `status` for logs
#489 opened by PaulFarault - 0
Remove `--glob` option on `tdp plan dag`
#478 opened by PaulFarault - 3
tdp deploy doesn't update database
#485 opened by giem-git - 1
Fix the output of `tdp browse` commands
#424 opened by sergkudinov - 0
Ansible warning about env vars
#498 opened by PaulFarault - 0
- 0
- 0
Refactor `tdp operations`
#476 opened by PaulFarault - 3
Optional `--run-directory`
#488 opened by PaulFarault - 1
- 0
- 0
Stale status edition message
#465 opened by PaulFarault - 2
Extract the log from a deployment and/or operation
#445 opened by mdrutel - 1
Allow to override a stale status (todo)
#460 opened by PaulFarault - 0
Add options to stop a running cluster
#472 opened by PaulFarault - 0
Add `--host` option to filter `tdp nodes` output
#441 opened by PaulFarault - 0
Add `--force-stale-update` option to `tdp deploy`
#466 opened by PaulFarault - 0
Set log level through the cli
#464 opened by PaulFarault - 0
Rename `tdp nodes` command to `tdp operations`
#442 opened by PaulFarault - 1
sqlalchemy.exc.MultipleResultsFound when qureying the log of an operaion involving several hosts
#453 opened by mdrutel - 1
- 0
- 0
Filter falsy field from deployment log options
#438 opened by PaulFarault - 0
Add preview option to plan commands
#433 opened by PaulFarault - 0
- 0
Add rolling interval on run command
#432 opened by PaulFarault - 0
fix: display "No deployments ..." on `tdp browse` run instead of empty list
#421 opened by sergkudinov - 3
`tdp init` fails due to AnsibleJSONDecoder
#418 opened by PACordonnier - 0
- 0
Add host support for stale command
#396 opened by PaulFarault - 0
TypeError when executing "tdp service-versions"
#387 opened by mdrutel - 0
Upgrade sqlalchemy
#385 opened by PaulFarault