
Automatization for VK and Facebook social profile

Primary LanguagePython


This project is maintaining for automatization for VK and Facebook.

How to use(For Windows user guide):

1) Install Python. Install Visual Studio Code.
2) In Visual Studio Code go to the "Extensions"(Or Ctrl+Shift+X) and install needed extensions.
3) Install libraries:
    pip install opencv-python
    pip install Pillow
    pip install numpy
    pip install glob2
    pip install vk-api
    pip install PyAutoGUI
    pip install pywin32
    pip install keyboard
    pip install mouse
    pip install matplotlib
    pip install pycopy-webbrowser
    pip install pytest-shutil
    so on...
4) Change a few lines of code to make it work. Run, test and see if it works or not.
5) On Windows OS run search and type "Task Scheduler". Add python program to list and enjoy your automatizations! :)
6) To run Task Scheduler? You can open "Task Scheduler Samples" to see the example

VK API projects:

The VK algorithm is fully based on Kate Mobile.

1) Photo Upload Bot [VK_Photo.py] ['Released']
2) Chat Answering Bot [VK_ChatBot.py] ['Testing']

Facebook API projects:

The Facebook is based on Open CV template matching algorithm.

1) Photo Upload Bot [Facebook_Photo.py] ['Released']
2) Chat Answering Bot  [Facebook_Photo.py] ['Not Started']


Please contact me to improve this codes.

VK Link: https://vk.com/test.testirovat

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/heli.avia.7/

Email: thepowerofdarknes2000@gmail.com


No retricted. Free to use.