OpenLP-OSC Project that can leads to use with OSC(Open Sound Control). This simple python application to bridge Open Sound Control (OSC) to OpenLP - APIs


Launch the application
pip3 install python-osc
pip3 install request

python3 <Program>
and it tooks the System local IP. Then, send OSC command to the application. OSC command begins with /osc/openlp/

TouchOSC Setup

TouchOSC OSC Connections Setup
Send Port: 4318
Receive Port: 1234
ZeroConf: Default

Commands to Send

/osc/openlp/service_new - Create a new service
/osc/openlp/service_list - List the service items in the service
/osc/openlp/next_slide - Go to the specified slide
/osc/openlp/previous_slide - Go to the specified slide
/osc/openlp/next_service - Progress to the next or previous service item
/osc/openlp/previous_service- Progress to the next or previous service item
/osc/openlp/clear_live - Clears a controller
/osc/openlp/clear_preview - Clears a controller
/osc/openlp/display_hide - Displays or hides the live view
/osc/openlp/display_show - Displays or hides the live view
/osc/openlp/display_blank - Displays or hides the live view
/osc/openlp/display_theme - Displays or hides the live view
/osc/openlp/display_desktop - Displays or hides the live view

OpenLP-HTTP-API Documentation