OE Ontology Version 3.5 Date 8/1/2019


DISTRIBUTION A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. For more information contact United States Army TRADOC G-2 OEC at usarmy.jble.tradoc.list.tboc-operations@mail.mil (or Kaye Darone, Data Science Branch Chief, DSMS, kaye.t.darone.civ@mail.mil, (757) 878-9547, Joseph Shea, DSMS Contractor/ InCadence, jshea@incadencecorp.com, or David Boyd, DSMS Contractor/ InCadence, dboyd@incadencecorp.com)

The Operational Environment Ontology Repository holds the current released version of the Operational Environment Ontology suite.

The Operational Environment (OE) ontologies contain ontology files that aim to capture specific domains related to the Operational Environment.

How to load Operational Environment Ontologies

To load the OE Suite, open OEOntology.owl and this will load all current OE ontologies as well as all necessary Common Core Ontologies into the editor.

We are providing a Protege catalog file with this release to automatically load the local Common Core Ontololgy files since they are not currently web accessible

This release contains the following files:

->BFO+Common Core Files- (Taken from https://github.com/CommonCoreOntology/CommonCoreOntologies)

AgentOntology.ttl- Agent Ontology

AllCoreOntology.ttl- Contains imports for the Common Core Ontologies

ArtifactOntology.ttl- Artifact Ontology

bfo.owl- Basic Formal Ontology

CurrencyUnitOntology.ttl- Currency Unit Ontology

EventOntology.ttl- Event Ontology

ExtendedRelationOntology.ttl- Extended Relation Ontology

GeospatialOntology.ttl- Geospatial Ontology

InformationEntityOntology.ttl- Information Entity Ontology

QualityOntology.ttl- Quality Ontology

ro.owl- Relation Ontology

TimeOntology.ttl- Time Ontology

UnitsOfMeasureOntology.ttl- Units of Measure Ontology

->Operational Environment Files

OEAnalysisFrameworkOntology.owl- Contains classes for PMESII-PT, DIMEFIL, and CCoFW categories

OEArmyHierarchyOntology.owl - Contains relations for the Army Organizational Structure

OEArmyTrainingOntology.owl - Contains relations pertaining to Army Tasks (Mission Essential Tasks, Collective Tasks, and Individual Tasks)

OEEthnicityOntology.owl - Contains relations for Ethnicities

OEEventOntology.owl - Contains relations for Events

OEIdeologyOntology.owl - Contains relations for Ideologies as well as Acts and Directives

OEOntology.owl - Contains imports for all BFO and Operational Environment Files

OEOrganizationOntology.owl - Contains relations for Organizations

OEReligionOntology.owl - Contains relations pertaining to religions