
An interface to use the SUGAR API with Castle & Love2D

Primary LanguageLua


An interface to use the SUGAR API with Castle & Love2D

SUGAR is a retro-inspired, limitation-led C++ game engine! It features a minimalist API and a retro graphics infrastructure for making authentic low-resolution games. Sugarcoat is an attempt to reproduce most of SUGAR's behavior in Castle & Love2D.

Go to the documentation hub!

Getting started

First of all, make sure the folder sugarcoat is in your project's folder and is complete. Then do require("sugarcoat/sugarcoat") at the top of your main.lua.

Next, I recommend that you do either of these lines: (not both)

local S = sugar.S


sugar.utility.using_package(sugar.S, true)

sugar.S is intended to serve as a shortcut - it has the content of all the subpackages in sugar. So instead of calling sugar.input.btn(0), you may write sugar.S.btn(0) or, after the local S line, S.btn(0).

sugar.utility.using_package(package, override) merges the given package into the global environment. In other words: the content of the package will now be global. By using it on sugar.S, you will be able to use all of sugarcoat's functions as global functions. So, with the previous example, you could simply use btn(0).

Then you can simply use love.load, love.update and love.draw to make your game. Make sure to use sugar.init_sugar(window_name, w, h, scale) at the top of love.load. The rest of the sugar systems will automatically update around love.update(), love.draw().

(you may change the screen stretching style with the various sugar.gfx.screen_... functions)

In case you do not intend to use love.update() and love.draw(), you should call sugar.sugar_step() to update the input and time subsystems, and sugar.gfx.flip() to render the screen.

And that is the essentials. I do recommend you at least skim through the rest of the manual to be aware of the various functions available to you.

Here is a very quick example showing some of the basics:

sugar.utility.using_package(sugar.S, true)

local x = 64
local y = 64

function love.load()
  init_sugar("Hello world!", 128, 128, 3)
  register_btn(0, 0, input_id("keyboard", "left"))
  register_btn(1, 0, input_id("keyboard", "right"))
  register_btn(2, 0, input_id("keyboard", "up"))
  register_btn(3, 0, input_id("keyboard", "down"))

function love.update()
  if btn(0) then x = x - 2 end
  if btn(1) then x = x + 2 end
  if btn(2) then y = y - 2 end
  if btn(3) then y = y + 2 end

function love.draw()
  circfill(x, y, 4 + 2 * cos(t()), 3)

Check out chill_snake.lua for a much more complete example!

Have fun!

Here is an overview of all the available packages and their functions: (Packages have links to more detailed documentation)

  • sugar
    • init_sugar(window_name, w, h, scale)

    • sugar_step()

    • shutdown_sugar()

    • sys_battery()

    • after_render

    • debug

      • start_log(file_name)
      • end_log()
      • catch_logs(foo)
      • log(str, prefix)
      • w_log(str)
      • r_log(str)
      • assert(condition, str)
      • abort(str)
      • abort_brutal(str)
      • write_clipboard(str)
      • read_clipboard()
    • gfx

      • init_gfx(window_name, w, h, scale)
      • shutdown_gfx()
      • half_flip()
      • flip()
      • render_to_canvas()
      • camera(x, y)
      • camera_move(dx, dy)
      • get_camera()
      • clip(x, y, w, h)
      • get_clip()
      • color(i)
      • pal(ca, cb, flip_level)
      • palt(c, make_transparent)
      • clear(c)
      • cls(c)
      • rectfill(xa, ya, xb, yb, c)
      • rect(xa, ya, xb, yb, c)
      • circfill(x, y, r, c)
      • circ(x, y, r, c)
      • trifill(xa, ya, xb, yb, xc, yc, c)
      • tri(xa, ya, xb, yb, xc, yc, c)
      • line(xa, ya, xb, yb, c)
      • pset(x, y, c)
      • pget(x, y)
      • use_palette(plt)
      • get_palette()
      • palette_len()
      • new_surface(w, h, key)
      • load_png(key, file_name, palette, use_as_spritesheet)
      • delete_surface(key)
      • surface_size(key)
      • surface_exists(key)
      • surfshot(key, scale, file_name)
      • target(surf_key)
      • get_target()
      • target_size()
      • target_w()
      • target_h()
      • scan_surface(key)
      • palettes [a table]
      • spritesheet(surf_key)
      • get_spritesheet()
      • spritesheet_grid(w, h)
      • get_spritesheet_grid()
      • spr(s, x, y, w, h, flip_x, flip_y)
      • aspr(s, x, y, a, w, h, anchor_x, anchor_y, scale_x, scale_y)
      • sspr(sx, sy, sw, sh, dx, dy, dw, dh)
      • spr_sheet(key, x, y)
      • sget(x, y, key)
      • load_font(ttf_filepath, size, key, use_it)
      • delete_font(key)
      • use_font(key)
      • get_font()
      • str_px_width(str, font)
      • print(str, x, y, c)
      • printp(a, b, c, d)
      • printp_color(c1, c2, c3)
      • pprint(str, x, y, c1, c2, c3)
      • screen_size()
      • screen_w()
      • screen_h()
      • screen_scale()
      • screen_render_stretch(enable)
      • screen_render_integer_scale(enable)
      • screen_resizeable(enable, scale, on_resize_callback)
      • screen_resize(w, h, resize_window)
      • update_screen_size()
      • screen_get_render_stretch()
      • screen_get_render_integer_scale()
      • screen_get_resizeable()
      • set_background_color(c)
      • window_size(w, h)
      • screen_shader(shader_code)
      • screen_shader_input(value_table)
    • input

      • init_input()
      • update_input()
      • shutdown_input()
      • exit_required()
      • require_exit()
      • new_player()
      • input_type [a table]
      • input_id(type, id)
      • register_btn(btn_id, player, inputs)
      • btn(id, player)
      • btnp(id, player)
      • btnr(id, player)
      • btnv(id, player)
      • ctrlr_list()
      • ctrlr_count()
      • player_assign_ctrlr(player, controller)
      • ctrlr_has_default_bindings(controller)
      • ctrlr_name(controller)
    • maths

      • cos(a)
      • sin(a)
      • atan2(x, y)
      • lerp(a, b, i)
      • flr(a)
      • ceil(a)
      • round(a)
      • sgn(a)
      • sqr(a)
      • cub(a)
      • pow(a, b)
      • sqrt(a)
      • abs(a)
      • min(a, b)
      • max(a, b)
      • mid(a, b, c)
      • angle_diff(a1, a2)
      • dist(x1, y1, x2, y2)
      • sqrdist(x, y)
      • srand(seed)
      • raw_rnd()
      • rnd(n)
      • irnd(n)
      • pick(tab)
    • time

      • init_time()
      • update_time()
      • set_frame_waiting(fps)
      • t()
      • time()
      • dt()
      • delta_time()
      • sleep(sec)
      • freeze(sec)
      • fps()
      • fps_raw()
      • frame_time()
      • frame_time_raw()
      • sys_ltime()
      • sys_gtime()
    • audio

      • init_audio(sfx_vol, music_vol)
      • shutdown_audio()
      • load_sfx(file, id, volume)
      • load_music(file, id, volume)
      • sfx_volume(v)
      • music_volume(v)
      • unload_sfx(id)
      • unload_music(id)
      • sfx(id, distance, stereo_angle, pitch)
      • music(id, loop)
    • utility

      • using_package(p, do_override)
      • all(ar)
      • del(ar, val)
      • del_at(ar, n)
      • add(ar, v)
      • sort(ar)
      • merge_tables(dst, src)
      • copy_table(tab, deep)
    • S [contains everything]