DDAD trainval is so big, is there a way to download some small videos and calibration params?

lucasjinreal opened this issue · 13 comments

DDAD trainval is so big, is there a way to download some small videos and calibration params?

We have a tiny version of DDAD in the following link (it's used in packnet-sfm to run overfit tests).


@VitorGuizilini tiny only contains less than 10 images.

@jinfagang I can generate a small version of DDAD train with about 10 scenes -- would that help?

@RaresAmbrus Yes. that definitely helpfull! thank u!

@RaresAmbrus Could you please tell me where can I download the DDAD train dataset with 10 scenes which you had generated?

Hi, we have a "tiny" version of DDAD as part of the packnet_sfm repo, does that work: ?

@RaresAmbrus tiny version is very small, it has only a few images.

I created a smaller version here -- this one has 10 scenes and is about 13GB. Can you please check if you can access it? Thanks!

Yes, I could access it. Thank you so much.

One more thing, is there a way to do inference on single image or folder using model trained with Vidar repo?

can anyone please reply to my query?
Thanks in advance!

Hi @akashchavan15 - sorry I missed your message. Can you please post that on the vidar repo? Thanks!

@RaresAmbrus thank you for your reply. I have just posted it on Vidar repo. Here is the link

Please do reply.