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Simple ember component based form validation module , only providing base structure and components for validation . His goal is to be flexible and adaptive to any situation.

⚠️ This addon does not provide any types validation methods or checks.


  • Ember.js v2.18 or above
  • Ember CLI v2.13 or above
  • Node.js v8 or above


ember install ember-base-form-validation


  • Async validation
  • Component level validation
  • You choose when to validate and at which level


The validation form component

The validation form is the base of the validation , it must contain a @schema attribute in order to provide validation to the inputs.


<ValidationForm @validateOnInit={{false}} class="form" @schema={{this.validation}} as |form|>


  • @schema (required) : a Validation schema for the children inputs
  • @validateOnInit (optional) : a boolean to tell the form to validate or not all the children on init.
  • any html attributes(optional)


  • validate : runs the validation for all the children


  • isDirty (boolean) : returns if the form is dirty (any field has been validated)
  • hasErrors (boolean) : returns if the form validator has errors
  • validating (boolean) : returns if the form validator is running validations (for async).

The input component

The validation input is an HTML input who validates its value after some events had been triggered.

<ValidationForm class="form" @schema={{this.validation}} as |form|>
  <ValidationInput @validation="username" @validateOn="change" name="username" @parent={{form}} as |i|>
    {{#if i.error}}
  <ValidationInput @validation="email" @validateOn="focus" name="email" @parent={{form}} as |i|>
    {{#if i.error}}
      <p>{{i.error.message}} for {{i.error.field}}</p>
  <input type="submit" disabled={{form.hasErrors}} {{on "click" this.submit}} value="submit">


  • @parent (BaseValidationFormComponent) (required) : the parent form.
  • @validation (string) (required) : Tell which validation the validator must use to validate the input value.
  • @validateOn (string) (optional) : an html event to tell the input when to launch its validation.
  • @alone (boolean) (optional) : disable the validation , @parent and @validation attributes become optional.
  • any html attributes(optional)


  • validate : runs the validation for the input


  • isDirty (boolean) : returns if the input value is dirty (has been validated)
  • error (any) : error associated to the input (null if no error)

The validation schema

The validation schema checks if the current value of the input is correct , otherwhise it returns any value indicating there's an error for the field. If it returns null or undefined , the value is correct. The method can be async or sync.

import validator from 'validator'; // external validation module
import { BaseValidator , validationProperty } from 'ember-base-form-validation';

export class UserValidator extends BaseValidator {
    username(str) {
        if (!validator.isLength(str,{
            min : 10
        })) {
            return 'Lenght must be less than 10 characters';

    async email(str) {
        if (!validator.isEmail(str)) {
            return { // can return in any format you want
              message : 'Email not valid',
              field : 'email'

The validation property

@validationProperty(ignoreUndefined = true) indicates that the method is a validation method. The parameter ignoreUndefined converts the input value to a null string if it's undefined.


  • errors object : errors of the validator
  • context any : context passed by the constructor


  • waitAndCheckErrors (Promise<boolean>) : wait for the validator to finish validation and returns if it contains errors.

  • hasErrors (boolean) : returns if validator has errors

  • isDirty (boolean) : returns if validator has validated this field at least once

  • validationRunning (boolean) : returns if validator is running async tasks.

Registeting and checking the validation controller side

import Component from '@glimmer/component';
import { UserValidator } from '../validation/user';
import { action } from '@ember/object';

export default class UserFormComponent extends Component {

    constructor(...args) {
        this.validation = new UserValidator(this);
    submit(t) {
        this.validation.waitAndCheckErrors().then(  (hasErrors) => {
          if (hasErrors) {
          // do your job

Custom validation input :

Same as above except for the template. Custom Input let you define you own input to bind the value to and validate.


<ValidationForm @validateOnInit={{true}} @schema={{this.validation}} as |form|>
  <ValidationInputCustom @parent={{form}} @validation="username" @value={{@model.username}} as |i|>
    <Input type="text" name="username" @value={{i.value}} {{on "change" i.validate}}  />

    {{#if i.error}}

    <ValidationInputCustom @parent={{form}} @validation="email" @value={{@model.email}} as |i|>
    <Input type="text" name="email" @value={{i.value}} {{on "change" i.validate}}  />

    {{#if i.error}}
  {{#if form.validating}}
    <input type="submit" disabled={{form.hasErrors}} {{on "click" this.submit}} value="submit">

Create your own components

You can inherit BaseValidationInputComponent class to make your custom input component and BaseValidationFormComponent to make your own validation form


import { action } from '@ember/object';
import { BaseValidationInputComponent } from 'ember-base-form-validation';

export default class MyinputComponent extends BaseValidationInputComponent {
    constructor() {
        console.log("Init custom");

    validate() {  
        console.log("Validate " + this.name);


import { action } from '@ember/object';
import { BaseValidationFormComponent } from 'ember-base-form-validation';

export default class MyformComponent extends BaseValidationFormComponent {
    constructor() {
        console.log("Init custom");

    validate() {  
        console.log("Validate all");


❗ I'm new to EmberJS community , don't hesitate to contribute !

See the Contributing guide for details.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.