
a mongo db example demoing crud functionality without mongoose.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Mongodb CLI Cheat Sheet

Set up mongodb server on windows:


Note: open a new tab or instance of command prompt

Enter the mongodb cli


Show available databases:

show dbs

Switch or create db

use <db_name>

When you create a value it will automatically create the collection name

db.staff.insert({"name": "Thomas"})
db.staff.insert({"name": "Donny"})
db.staff.insert({"name": "Clarence"})

db.students.insert({"name": "Mat"})
db.staff.insert({"name": "Danielle"})
db.staff.insert({"name": "Tracy"})

Show your collections:

show collections

Find by any criteria:

db.students.find({"name": "Mat"})
db.students.find({ _id : ObjectId("5f0f59fb9331e12029ccf8f5")})

Updating your collection instances (destructive)

db.staff.update({"name": "Donny"}, {"name": "Don"})
db.staff.update({ _id : ObjectId("5f0f59fb9331e12029ccf8f5")}, {"name": "Donny"}

This is destructive. If there are any keys other user defined keys they will be erased and replaced with the name key and value.

Updating your collection (not destructive)

First create some examples in a new collection within the database.

db.projects.insert({"project": 1, "status": "complete"})
db.projects.insert({"project": 2, "status": "complete"})
db.projects.insert({"project": 3, "status": "not complete"})
db.projects.insert({"project": 4, "status": "fake"})

Note: The "projects" collection will be created automatically.

Update non destructively db.projects.update({"project": 3}, { $set: {status: "incomplete"}})

Note: The $set operator will update the status key and keep all the previous keys and values (project)

Show all data in collection:

Deleting from a collection

db.projects.remove({"project" : 4})

Delete entire collection:


Drop collection:


Note: An empty object needs to be passed. Cannot be left empty.

Dropping entire database

See which database you are using currently.


Drop database: db.dropDatabase()