
Attempt to proxy the UDS-traffic to another place but failed | understanding how UDS works

Primary LanguagePython


Attempt to proxy the nifi-traffic to another place but failed | understanding how nifi works

What is the goal of this project?

I want to understand how Nintendo uses adhoc networks to setup local multiplayer sessions. In order to challenge my (non-existent) knowledge I want to create a proxy that allows me to play with my friends if they are a room away from me. This proxy should be able to pick up every Nintendo packet from my console and send it to the other console via LAN and a wifi-adapter.

What do I know now?

  • The host console creates an adhoc network on a specific channel (often 11 or 6)
  • Broadcast packets contain information about the Nintendo Adhoc Wifi with country JP
  • Beacon frames and data frames are sent all the time while the host is active
  • The client sets the host mac as addr3 (bssid) in order to connect to the adhoc network
  • While in game the host sends everything to broadcast
  • While in game the client sends everything to broadcast with addr3/bssid of the host console

What do I need to figure out?

  • Are the packets perfectly replicated by the wifi-adapter?
  • Is the linux kernel messing with my packets?
  • How does the client discover potential hosts?

Further reading:

If you want to read more about my progress, head over to the test-proxy dir. There will be another Readme.md which contains more information about my current progress.