

This coding challenge involves creating a simple REST API using .NET and C# to simulate a game of chance.

Game Rules

  • The game generates a random number between 0 and 9.
  • Players predict the random number.
  • Each player starts with an account of 10,000 points.
  • Players can wager any number of points on their prediction.
  • If the prediction is correct, the player wins 9 times their stake.
  • If the prediction is incorrect, the player loses their stake.

Task Description

Players interact with the game by sending their bet through a request to the API.

Placing a Bet

Players send their prediction and stake in the request body. For example:

  "points": 100,
  "number": 3

Winning a Bet

If the bet is successful, the API responds with the player's updated account balance, status, and points won. For example:

  "account": 10900,
  "status": "won",
  "points": "+900"


Added validation for when the bet is lower than 0 or higher than they player's balance.

Added validation for when the guessed number is not within the interval 0-9.

In the request you need to add the id of the player.

The database has been seeded with 2 players but you can add more directly or by modifying the DbInitializer class.

To run the program:

  1. In the package manager console run the following command to generate the tables: Update-Database
  2. Run