
Contains my assignments from CSSE2310

Primary LanguageC

UQ CSSE2310 Course Assignments 2022 Sem 1

These are my assignment solutions for CSSE2310 from Semester 1, 2022 when I took the course. The testfiles for each of the assignments were provided for us as were the files in lib/. Other than that the code is all my own.

The course focused on C programming with applications using multiple proceeses and threads and some communications protocols like HTTP.

A1 implements wordle on the command line. A2 was a debugging assignment where we had to use gdb on the binary bomb file to input correct codes to defuse it. A3 implemeted a version of cat that responded to signals and a program that could spawn new processes. A4 implemented a multithreaded server that implemented a RESTful API for storing string values. Clients communicated with the server via HTTP requests. Further details can be found in the assignment specifications which can be found as pdf files in the respective folders.

Note: It is likely I have forgotten to include some parts that were provided to us so I am not really sure if this would compile.