##Intro to Angular - lab
You are going to build a shopping cart for bookly, the latest and greates online book store.
###Getting off the ground
Fork and clone repository:
Change to project directory and fire up the web server:
node web-server.js
Go to home page:
###Looking around
Lot's of things are already done for you. Inspect index.html view and find ng-controller directive. The view is already wired up with BooksController, see books_controller.js. Since we don't know yet how to talk to a server, BooksController 'loads' a static list of books from data.js. 'books' is a scoped variable (think instance variable) in the controller, the view iterates over books using ng-repeat to display the book list. Yes, there's also a css file, ignore it, no need to css select and manipulate DOM objects with jQuery - yeah!
Check out the list of books and the shopping cart wire frame. Look for elements in double square brackets, for example [[item count]]. These are placeholders for the features you are going to implement. They are:
- A search box that filters books by title and author 'as you type'.
- A drop down that let's the user order books by title, author and price.
- An 'Add' button on each book that puts it in the shopping cart.
- An 'item count' that displays the number of books in the cart. The count should 'pluralize' correctly.
- A cart row for each item containing titel, author and price.
- A field for the total cart value.
- A button that empties the cart.
Keep it simple. Think how to model the cart in the controller. Perhaps it's just a list of books? The view displays the cart, make sure to 'glue' it to the view.
For 'order by' drop down, find out how to bind a 'select input' to a model. Also check out 'orderBy' Angular filter.
ng-click is your friend
Find out how to ng-pluralize (oops) the item count
Don't get fooled by the number of features. A lot is taken care of by the view and use of build-in Angular directives. The javascript part is only about 15 lines of code.
- Add item quantity to the shopping cart. Adding the same book multiple times should increase the item quantity accordingly.
Cart management becomes a bit more complex. You won't get away with simply adding books to (cart) list. You will need a cart item data structure, perhaps something like:
cart_item = {
book: <a book>,
quantity: <how many>
Before adding a book, you need to find out if it's already in the cart, and if so, increase it's quantity.
http://underscorejs.org/ comes in handy for 'ruby like' manipulation of collections / arrays.