ByteAntiCheat is a lightweight kernel/user layer open-source anti cheating system written in C/C++for the Windows platform.
Due to the lightweight nature of this project, the syntax used is the basic C/C++syntax, and many annotations are written in Chinese for beginners to read and understand.
This project is in the early development stage, and friends who are interested in developing an anti cheating system are welcome to raise questions about this project. If interested, you can also participate in the development of Byte Anti Cheating System together.
- DLL injection detection
- Monitor read/write related functions
- Monitoring window create related functions
- to be later add
- to be later add
- Complete game launcher
- Remote thread injection detection
- Enumerating abnormal threads
- Enumerating abnormal virtual memory without modules
- to be later add
- Communicate with R3's heartbeat
- to be later add