To run the game on windows:
- Change msvs version in GenerateProjects.bat
- Execute GenerateProjects.bat
- Open GameEngine.sln
- Compile the solution
To run on platforms other than windows, look into premake5.lua files and define PLATFORM_WINDOWS for your platform (may or may not work:))
To learn:
- C++20 modules
- copy elision
- Merkle tree
- Inline
- hpp
- chrono
- Hello! How does project linking work in msvs? I have two projects (Game and GameEngine) in a solution. I have links { "GameEngine" } in the Game project (I am using premake5 to generate the projects but I guess it is not a big issue). The only thing I use in Game from GameEngine is #include <EntryPoint.cpp> which is set up to include everything the GameEngine implements. Now I have to actually copy all includedirs from GameEngine to Game like "%{wks.location}/GameEngine/src",. But is it really necessary? As I am thinking of how it should be: the GameEngine is compiled as StaticLib so it should contain everything it needs. The Game just links that .lib file, and does not have all GameEngine's includedirs copied.
- cef
- glm
- c++ filesystem, fstream