
Group Message Forward Framework (supports QQ Telegram Line Discord)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


shields License: MIT

UnifiedMessageRelay is a framework for the purpose of bringing messages from different chat platform together. With UnifiedMessageRelay, user no longer need to view messages on different platform, or different groups. UnifiedMessageRelay brings powerful message forwarding functionality and flexible plugin API to meet your custom need. A driver API specification is also provided, so one can compose their own backend driver, and the framework will load and utilize the driver automatically.

Telegram groups

Developer group

Support group (Need help? Join this group)


Telegram <-> QQ:



Telegram <-> Discord:



All four platforms: QQ, Telegram, Line and Discord can forward between each other directly.

Supported platforms


  • Forward text and image between all supported platforms
  • Image is converted to supported format automatically
  • Reply is preserved with best effort
  • Markdown format is preserved for supported platforms
  • Command API for customize triggers
  • Message Hook API for even more customized needs

Limited support for Coolq Air. image sending is available for Coolq Pro.


Framework Setup

Install python dependencies on host os

Make sure Python 3.7+ and pip are installed. Run:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Install other required package on host os

apt install libcairo2 ffmpeg libmagickwand-dev


Create ~/.umr/

mkdir ~/.umr

Copy config.yaml to ~/.umr

Why yaml instead of json?

Full Example config

    QQ: 12213312  # your QQ bot account number
    Telegram: 12321312  # your telegram bot chat id
  Topology:  # keep this key even if no topology exists
    # Topology contains all the point to point forward:
    # E.g. From one QQ group to one telegram group, type = OneWay+
    - From: QQ
      FromChat: 1123131231
      FromChatType: group  # group, discuss, private
      To: Telegram
      ToChat: -31231212344  # telegram chat id, use !!id to show
      ToChatType: group
      ForwardType: OneWay+
      # OneWay:
      # Forward from "FromChat" to "ToChat"
      # BiDirection:
      # Forward from "FromChat" to "ToChat" and vise versa
      # OneWay+:
      # Forward from "FromChat" to "ToChat", and vise versa, ignoring backward message without "reply_to"
  Default:  # keep this key even if no default route exists
    # Default contains all the platform to point forward:
    # E.g. Any message originated from QQ to one telegram group, type = OneWay+
    - From: QQ
      To: Telegram
      ToChat: 123244234234
      ToChatType: group
      ForwardType: OneWay+
      # OneWay:
      # Forward from "FromChat" to "ToChat"
      # OneWay+:
      # Forward from "FromChat" to "ToChat", and vise versa, ignoring backward message without "reply_to"
  [See each platform guide below for this section]
DataRoot: /root/coolq/data/image  # Make sure this directory exists. If you are using QQ, make sure this is pointing to coolq image directory.
CommandPrefix: "!!"   # default value is "!!"
    - 123456789  # qq number
    - 987654321
    - 213442352354534534  # telegram chat id
    - 345235345345345345
Debug: yes  # verbose output

The "QQ", "Telegram" or "Line" above are all custom names. Real bot driver should be configure throgh "Driver" list.

Follow the guide for your platform





Start the bot

Viewing CLI Help

python3 daemon.py -h

Background process

  • Start background service
python3 daemon.py start


python3 daemon.py restart

By default, log will be stored in /var/log/umr/bot.log, and cache will be cleared out upon start.

  • Stop the background service
python3 daemon.py stop

Foreground process (for debugging purpose)

If you need to see the log output for debugging purpose, stop the running daemon first. Then follow this command.

Remember to enable debug option in config.

python3 daemon.py run

Hit Ctrl + C to stop.


View Commands

Send !!help to show available commands.

Show chat id

Send !!id anywhere to see chat id.

Reply message with !!id to reveal source chat id.

Delete QQ Message

Reply to the message you want to delete with !!del

add telegram blocked keyword

Message containing these keyword will not be forwarded to any other chat

Send !!bk and keywords separated by space

add telegram blocked channel

Message originated from these channel will not be forwarded to any other chat

Reply forwarded channel message with !!bc

Issue Format

Check these before opening an issue

  1. Check if you are using Python 3.7+
  2. Check if requirements.txt is installed correctly
  3. Check if binary dependencies are installed (search apt in this page)
  4. (If using Coolq) Check if cq-http-api is enabled in Coolq
  5. Check if the log suggests any missing configuration
  6. Check if you are on Dev branch, please switch back to master

Issues must provide

  1. Descriptions about the issue
  2. Logs of python3 daemon.py run (Desensitization)
  3. Steps to reproduce