
Harnessing Rust for Real-World Problems hackathon

Harnessing Rust for Real-World Problems hackathon


This is a hackathon for members of Calgary Rust, the user group for the Rust programming language in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Purpose of the hackathon

The purpose of this hackathon is to help businesses (first and foremost, in Calgary!) solve their technical problems and demonstrate what Rust is capable of.

Duration of the hackathon

The hackathon will last for at least two days (January 27 and 28) but the participants can choose to continue working on the projects after the hackathon. This can be done, for example, at events organized by Software Developers of Calgary who host hackathons every month.

We have little in-person time for the hackathon but you can continue working on the projects remotely. Further, we will discuss how we are going to facilitate the remote communication between the team members.

For newcomers to Rust

You're encouraged to start solving problems without hesitation. However, if you don't feel comforable jumping into the hackathon's projects right away, you can start by learning the fundamentals of Rust first. See this message in the Discord server of Calgary Rust.

Q: Do we need to appoint any volunteers to help the newbies?


Hackathon participants are encouraged to use git to collaborate on their projects. The projects can be hosted on GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, or any other platform that supports git.

Though this is a Rust hackathon, the participants are free to use any programming language they want. For example, this can make a lot of sense for frontend development or machine learning. However, you're encouraged to use Rust. By the way, you can also use native Rust modules in Python, JavaScript, and nearly any other programming language.

You are expected to self-organize to solve the problems. And you're encouraged to keep working on the projects after the in-person phase of the first day of the hackathon is over. To faciliate the communication between the team members, you're encouraged to communicate in the respective #<project-name> event channel in the Discord server of Calgary Rust. If you feel really motivated to complete the project and the project is big, you can also use tools like Trello or ClickUp to organize the work.


Disclaimer: the problems can be highly unstructured and require communication with the people who submitted them to clarify details.

Petrinex reports

Team A

Intel HDA UEFI Driver

Website for Omnipedia

Team B

Booking rooms for events

Team C


Team D

Other problems

Algora.io is a website for paid open-source contributions. It has a lot of problems that you can try to solve with Rust and for which you can claim bounties.

Notably, we have a privilege to have requests from companies like Tailcall and Synnada (who want contributions to https://github.com/apache/arrow-datafusion).

Problem submissions

If you have a problem that you'd like to submit for the hackathon, please do so by creating a pull request to this repository. The pull request should add a Markdown file with the problem description. If you need assisstance with the submission of your problem, please contact dmitrii_demenev on Discord or e-mail demenev.dmitriy1@gmail.com.