
Tool to manage development environments for web applications using containers - Docker Images

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT

Main packages: lib proxy cli
Container-Backends: engine_docker    
Database Drivers: db_mysql db_mongo  
Plugins: php_xdebug    
Kubernetes: k8s_client k8s_controller  
Related Projects: configcrunch    
More: docs repo docker_images

PHP Build status Sphinx Build status Join our Slack workspace

Riptide is a set of tools to manage development environments for web applications. It's using container virtualization tools, such as Docker to run all services needed for a project.

It's goal is to be easy to use by developers. Riptide abstracts the virtualization in such a way that the environment behaves exactly as if you were running it natively, without the need to install any other requirements the project may have.

Docker Images

This repository contains Docker Images for use with Riptide. They are published with the "riptidepy" user in Docker Hub.

Documentation for individual images can be found in the directories of these images.


If you want to submit your own Dockerfiles open a pull request. A group of images is stored in a directory in this repository (eg. "php"). This directory contains a README.md and a sub-directory of each tag of the image. The sub-directories must be named after the tags used for buildings. They can also contain sub-directories. Those and additional tags and aliases (such as latest) must be specified in the README.md

You need to provide an up-to-date documentation for your image, in form of a README.md. If you have sub-directories with different Dockerfiles, an up-to-date copy of the README.md must be present here.

Templates can be found in the _contrib-templates directory (based on the official image docs).

All images must be based on official images or other Riptide images.

Riptide Docker images should not create or modify any users. The Riptide container backend creates users and groups on startup.

Your image command must either

  1. be runnable by the user that the entrypoint script creates (user/group ids and names are unknown).
  2. or your command must be runnable by the user specified in the image but respect USER and GROUP environment variables (may be called differently) that contain user and group ids.
  3. or your command must only be runnable by the user specified in the image.

1. and 2. are the default case, please indicate in your README.md, that the image is "run_as_current_user" compatible. Your image MUST comply to 1. or 2. if it is meant to be used with access to the source code (role src).

If your image is using case 2., please add a documentation for USER and GROUP, to let the users of your image know that services or commands need to have these set to os_user() and os_group() respectively (see README.md template):

If your image falls under case 3., add to your README.md, that the image can only be used with "run_as_current_user": false.


Documentation for apps, services and commands can be found inside the directories of this repository.

The complete documentation for Riptide can be found at Read the Docs.