Audio Signal Processing Python Tools

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


You have just found Audio Signal Processing (ASP).

It covers a range of utilities for I/O handling and Time-Frequency Decompositions and soon enough audio source separation methods. Currently supported functionallity :

  • WAV/MP3/AAC Reading and Writing
  • Time Frequency Methods : MDCT/MDST/PQMF/STFT/FrFFT(Fractional FFT)
  • Cepstral Analysis : Uniform Discrete Cepstrum
  • Misc Operations : Bark Scaling, W-Disjoint Orthogonality Measure, Gini Index Sparsity Measure, Time-frequency Masking, Noise to Mask Ratio, Psychoacoustic Model (based on non-linear superposition)

For code usage, please refer to each class. Examples are given inside method or in the "main()" call.

Requirements :

  • NumPy version '1.10.4' or later
  • SciPy version '0.17.0' or later (Crucial for avoiding poor reconstruction for the complex PQMF)
  • cPickle version '1.71' or later
  • pyglet For audio playback routines