
Cannot run example on M1 MacBook Pro due to incompatible Casadi version

gy2256 opened this issue · 2 comments

gy2256 commented

I have installed all the required dependencies, but the example fails to run. Here is the message I got:

python mpc_mlp_naive_example.py
Warning: Please note that the following versions of CasADi  are officially supported: 3.5.6 or 3.5.5 or 3.5.4 or 3.5.3 or 3.5.2 or 3.5.1 or 3.4.5 or 3.4.0.
 If there is an incompatibility with the CasADi generated code, please consider changing your CasADi version.
Version 3.6.3 currently in use.
rm -f libacados_ocp_solver_wr.dylib
rm -f acados_solver_wr.o
cc -fPIC -std=c99   -O2 -I/Users/mac/research_code/others_code/acados/include -I/Users/mac/research_code/others_code/acados/include/acados -I/Users/mac/research_code/others_code/acados/include/blasfeo/include -I/Users/mac/research_code/others_code/acados/include/hpipm/include  -c -o acados_solver_wr.o acados_solver_wr.c
cc -fPIC -std=c99   -O2 -I/Users/mac/research_code/others_code/acados/include -I/Users/mac/research_code/others_code/acados/include/acados -I/Users/mac/research_code/others_code/acados/include/blasfeo/include -I/Users/mac/research_code/others_code/acados/include/hpipm/include  -c -o wr_model/wr_expl_ode_fun.o wr_model/wr_expl_ode_fun.c
cc -fPIC -std=c99   -O2 -I/Users/mac/research_code/others_code/acados/include -I/Users/mac/research_code/others_code/acados/include/acados -I/Users/mac/research_code/others_code/acados/include/blasfeo/include -I/Users/mac/research_code/others_code/acados/include/hpipm/include  -c -o wr_model/wr_expl_vde_forw.o wr_model/wr_expl_vde_forw.c
cc -fPIC -std=c99   -O2 -I/Users/mac/research_code/others_code/acados/include -I/Users/mac/research_code/others_code/acados/include/acados -I/Users/mac/research_code/others_code/acados/include/blasfeo/include -I/Users/mac/research_code/others_code/acados/include/hpipm/include  -c -o wr_model/wr_expl_vde_adj.o wr_model/wr_expl_vde_adj.c
cc -shared acados_solver_wr.o wr_model/wr_expl_ode_fun.o wr_model/wr_expl_vde_forw.o wr_model/wr_expl_vde_adj.o -o libacados_ocp_solver_wr.dylib -L/Users/mac/research_code/others_code/acados/lib -lacados -lhpipm -lblasfeo -lm  \
	-L -l
ld: warning: directory not found for option '-L-l'
acados was compiled without OpenMP.
Mean iteration time with MLP Model: 0.2ms -- 5294Hz)

It's a bit tricky because the M1 Mac does not support Casadi 3.5.6 officially. Is there a way to circumvent this issue?


From the output, it looks like the example actually ran successfully:
Mean iteration time with MLP Model: 0.2ms -- 5294Hz)

Could you specify your problem?


FYI: ML-CasADi functionality was just merged into L4CasADi, and support will shift there in the near future.

gy2256 commented

You're right. Thanks for the reply Tim. I was expecting some plots (like simple_example.py).