
Detailed steps to setup git personal credentials and for ssh creation and adding to github

Setting up your git credentials

In your terminal enter these commands without quotes

Enter your Github user name

git config --global user.name "Your Github User Name Here"

Enter the email you used to signup for GitHub

git config --global user.email "your@email.com"

Change the name of the master branch to main (Very Important)

git config --global init.defaultBranch main

Enter in terminal to see the config

git config --list

The terminal should look something like this

git config --list
user.name=Your Github User Name Here

Generating an SSH key

Remain in the terminal and enter these commands

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C yourgithub@email.com

Hit Enter until the process is done

In the terminal open the file id_ed25519.pub inside the .ssh directory within your Home directory with the following command.

cat id_ed25519.pub

and copy paste the code to your github account by adding the ssh key the link here.


Click New ssh key button alt text Fill out the required fields and click the add ssh key button alt text

Once the ssh key is added, when you try to push/create a repository a popup with ask to add your system to github fully type yes.

Enjoy being connected to github via ssh