Install and setup git

Install command: sudo apt install git -y

Setup Git

  1. Set your username: git config --global 'your username here'
  2. Set your email address: git config --global 'your email here'

Setup SSH authentication

  1. Generate an ssh key: ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "" This creates a new SSH key, using the provided email as a label. When you’re prompted to: "Enter a file in which to save the key," press Enter. This accepts the default file location. At the prompt, to type a secure passphrase, press enter for no passphrase. If you want to use a passphrase, go ahead as it provides an extra layer of security. However, for this course you do not need to add a passphase.

  2. Use the following command to see your public ssh key: cat ~/.ssh/ copy the entire output of this command to the clipboard. See examle here:

  3. In your github page, go to settings > SSH and GPG Keys Here add your ssh key that you copied to the clipboad in the step prior. Type yes (the whole word) and press enter and you are done

  4. Test you ssh connection by using this command: ssh -T You will see the following outcome:

If you do not see an error message or a different message than the one shown prior, then your SSH connection is correct. Now you can push and clone using SSH.


!!! After setting up 2 Factor Authentication on GitHub, I couldn’t push my remote repositories from the command line anymore.

!!! When I tried to push a remote repo, the command line threw this error:

~ :> git push origin my-branch  
Username for '[](':
myusernamePassword for '[':]('/) 
mypasswordremote: Invalid username or password.fatal: Authentication failed for '[](’

The error stumped me — and made me vow that, when I did ultimately get to the bottom of it, I’d do my best to pay the knowledge forward.

How to Authenticate on GitHub with 2FA

Command line authentication requires a personal access token.

Go to Settings:

Then Developer Settings:

Then Personal access tokens >> Tokens (classic):

Generate a new Personal Access Token (also classic). Make sure you copy the Personal Access Token as soon as it gets generated — you won’t be able to see it again!

Paste the Personal Access Token into the “Password” field when you authenticate via the command line.