
A Hybrid mobile app to solve Recruitment team's problem of finding panelists for an interview. It enables TWers to sign up for interviews themselves based on their availability and provides a quick way to capture and pass feedback across panelists.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This project has been moved into Labs and if you want to contribute, you can go to Labs on the cloud from OKTA and you can get the access to the repo and CI

Dev Setup


Using asdf Package Manager

  • asdf package manager is used to handle multiple versions of node.
  • Install asdf
brew install autoconf # if autoconf is not present already.
brew install asdf

# if using bash
echo "source /usr/local/opt/asdf/asdf.sh" >> ~/.bashrc

# if using zsh
echo "source /usr/local/opt/asdf/asdf.sh" >> ~/.zshrc
  • Install node (Developed on version 8.9)
asdf plugin-add nodejs https://github.com/asdf-vm/asdf-nodejs.git
bash /usr/local/opt/asdf/plugins/nodejs/bin/import-release-team-keyring
cd /path/to/RecruitX-Frontend
asdf install


Install other dependencies

brew install phantomjs gradle

yarn global add ionic@1.3.3 cordova bower 


Other Dependencies

  • Download and install direnv , then hook it bash / zsh. https://direnv.net/

  • Download and install git-crypt. copy the backend.key into project folder. unlock the .envrc file which will export environment variables

       git-crypt unlock backend.key

To connect with app with local server, API_URL should contain ip address of your local machine instead of 'localhost'.

## Run Tests
PHANTOMJS_BIN="$(which phantomjs)" ./node_modules/.bin/karma start tests/unit-tests.conf.js

Build and Run the app

  1. Add an emulator using Android Studio. This will install android as well as create avds.



ionic build android
  1. Launch an emulator https://developer.android.com/studio/run/managing-avds.html

  2. Run

ionic run android


ionic build ios
  1. Open the iOS app in Xcode
open platforms/ios/RecruitX.xcworkspace
  1. Run the app (CMD + R)