
This is a full resource guide for my attempt to get Java 11 Certified

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Java 11 Certification

Hi there! So this is a complete resource guide for my attempt to get Java 11 Certified. On the 18th, January 2021, I passed my "Oracle Certified Professional: Java SE 11 Developer" certification.

Old Rules

So I started my journey to get certified in Java 11 to receive Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 11 Developer credentials. Before 1st, October 2020, it was fairly a two-step process:

Both costs approximately 11,300 INR each and covers a different set of the syllabus.

You have to purchase the exam voucher from Oracle for each one of these. The voucher will be valid for the next 6 months. And during this period, you can schedule the exam anytime.

I did that too, but as soon as I was prepared for 815, THE Oracle changed the game. They were retiring both 815 and 816 in favor of 819.

Oracle did it again!!

And as if 2020 was less weird, Oracle discontinued Java certification test 815 and 816. And in place of it, Java Test 819 was introduced. The new 819 exam

Few features of this new exam

  • It is a 90 min exam as compared to 180 min ( for 815 and 816 each ).
  • The total number of questions is reduced to 50, and you need to mark 34 questions correctly to pass.
  • It costs approximately 18,538 INR plus taxes.
  • Covers almost all the topics from exam 815 and 816, with few exceptions. Check out the 819 links for a detailed syllabus.
  • You will receive "Oracle Certified Professional: Java SE 11 Developer" as Oracle recognition.

Important Topics

Below are the list of some of important topics and resources that is used to prepare them.

Stream, Lambdas and Funtional Interfaces

Secure Coding in Java SE Application

alt text

Mock Tests

Helpful resources from Oracle

Github Resources from my fellow wanderers

OCP 819 Stories


Most recommended!

  • Selikof/Boyarsky book ( Oracle Certified Professional: Java SE 11 Developer : Complete Study Guide)
  • Enthuware 819 Mock Test

Java Code in this Respository

  • Basic : Inheritance, Arrays, Final, Initialization, Overloading, Overriding, Primitives, etc.
  • Advanced : Annotations, Collections, Concurrency, Enums, Exceptions, Functional Interfaces, Generics, Inner Classes, NIO2, etc
  • Streams