AKS's Brain Dump 🧠 🤖
Hi, This is the place where i try my very best to consolidate and sort out the mangled hot mess of information in my head.
I am looking into adding more notes/cheatsheets about stuffs outside of school... but for now its all school notes, so enjoy!
Topic | Description |
CheatSheets | Directory of Markdown shortcuts |
Fundamentals of Programming | Fundamentals of Programming in Javascript |
Programming for Data Analysis | Basically the same as Fundamentals of Programming... Just PYTHON instead |
AI & Machine Learning | This is... a fat-ass mess |
Deep Learning | I am thinking of writing short summaries and reports of the different neural networks (work in progress) |
Data Structures & Algorithms | Basically YeetCode |
** There are currently still alot of content with work in progress... so refer at your own risks :>
** Side note... i'm thinking of merging my Back End Web Development workshop materials into this repository.