- 1
type=uuid example missing
#408 opened by lolli42 - 1
- 6
Crash after update to TYPO3 11.5.33 on php7.4
#477 opened by Padina14 - 4
- 2
- 2
- 0
Add example for card-container and card CSS classes
#359 opened by froemken - 0
Replace obsolete Font Awesome icons
#416 opened by minapok - 1
'dbType' => 'time' missing
#351 opened by georgringer - 0
type=userSysFileStorageIsPublic example missing
#407 opened by lolli42 - 0
type=mfaInfo example missing
#406 opened by lolli42 - 0
type=json example missing
#405 opened by lolli42 - 1
missing type=folder readonly TCA example
#404 opened by lolli42 - 0
user_1 element_basic needs adaption when is done
#403 opened by lolli42 - 0
Rename elements_basic inputdatetime_1 to datetime
#402 opened by lolli42 - 3
- 1
Tests fail due to missing SCSS variable for bootstrap ($primary-text-emphasis-dark)
#390 opened by sypets - 1
Get rid of inline styles in SVGs
#377 opened by ohader - 1
Streamline type=category
#362 opened by lolli42 - 1
FileReferences are created incomplete
#364 opened by christophlehmann - 2
select_single_12 foreign_table selicon_field
#346 opened by TrueType - 0
Register Icons in Icons.php
#349 opened by linawolf - 1
- 1
- 0
Frontend indexed_search example does not work out of the box with installed ext:indexed_search
#321 opened by sbuerk - 0
Adjust TCA to use type=datetime
#311 opened by o-ba - 0
Adjust TCA to use type=password
#309 opened by o-ba - 0
Shortcuts do not work for the backend module
#306 opened by o-ba - 0
Test are currently failing due to TCA deprecations
#304 opened by o-ba - 0
Add a new record for all types / renderTypes in combination with defaultAsReadonly
#253 opened by o-ba - 5
- 6
What is the meaning of the button types (e.g. "Primary button" and "Success button")?
#193 opened by sypets - 0
Duplicate item value in tx_styleguide_elements_select.select_multiplesidebyside_10
#269 opened by o-ba - 0
DateTimePicker in Pagination example are not initialized
#266 opened by o-ba - 0
Remove sys_language remains
#264 opened by o-ba - 0
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 0
- 0
Add Configuration/Services.yaml
#221 opened by lolli42 - 3
- 1
Include TCA Examples for type = imageManipulation
#178 opened by linawolf - 1
Include TCA examples for type=slug
#179 opened by linawolf - 2
- 0
Include TCA examples for displayCond
#175 opened by linawolf - 3
Exception thrown when selecting "Icons" section
#174 opened by remonator - 2
Typo in tca
#160 opened by nhovratov - 2
RuntimeException on executing
#170 opened by Wipster - 1
Insert comments as markers for the TCA reference
#176 opened by linawolf