
Introduction Package Development Environment on #DDEV

Primary LanguagePHP

Build Status

DDEV Setup

To use this repository we recommend to use ddev as environment. Please download and install DDEV https://github.com/drud/ddev/releases.

[LINUX] Change permissions of ./var to 0777 (chmod 0777 ./var/cache) on host

  • ddev start
  • ddev import-db --src=./data/db.sql
  • ddev import-files --src=./assets
  • ddev composer install

TYPO3 Version

The development of this installation started with TYPO3 v9.
Branches and Tags include a version number that indicates the TYPO3 version.


Credentials Backend

Admin Tools

Executing Commands

If you need to execute commands like composer or bin/typo3 you need to run these commands within the ddev containers. You can easily log into the web container by executing the command ddev ssh. Its also possible to run commands within the container without the need to log into it.

  • Composer Install: ddev composer install
  • Database Export: ddev exec bin/typo3 ddev:exportdb

Execute acceptance tests

To execute acceptance tests the selenium service has to be enabled before starting DDEV. This can be done by renaming the file .ddev/docker-compose.chrome.yaml.inactive to .ddev/docker-compose.chrome.yaml. Consideration for deactivating the service by default has been that other tests run significantly faster when this service is deactivated.

The ddev setup comes with a selenium-chrome container, codeception and some acceptance tests ready to run.

  • Run tests: ddev composer test

Environment Variables

This setup is preconfigured to work with ddev. If you plan to use this setup in a different context, please create a .env file and adapt the settings to your system.


# Database Credentials

# Graphics

# Mail

# System
TYPO3_TRUSTED_HOST_PATTERN = "introduction.ddev.site"

# Site
SITE_INTRODUCTION_BASE = "https://introduction.ddev.site/"