TYZTY's Stars
This is the second and third part of the Digital System Laboratory coded in Verilog. It contains a single cycle modified Harvard processor that interfaces with multiple peripherals accessed via memory mapped I/O. Peripherals include a PS2 mouse port, a VGA port, and an IR controller. Besides the skeleton code that was provided to us, the collaborators on this are: Vincent Steil Finn Tessier-lavigne Mihail Dimitrov Mitev
Fully functioning PS/2 Mouse Interface written in Verilog, built as part of a Digital Systems Laboratory course.
PS2 Controller in Verilog as part of my Digital System Laboratory Class. Most of the code was provided, debugging was a nightmare (that moment when you're frantically hunting an erratic bug when it's not your code that's wrong, it's the provided code that's missing a stop bit...)
USB-to-PS2 mouse controller for FPGAs written in Verilog. Performs clock division, signal sampling, processing, error checking, and validation. Includes Xilinx Basys 3 target configuration.
For CS/DS/ECE students at XJTLU. Make XJTLU Great Again.
Curated list of project-based tutorials
This is a personal implement of XJTLU EEE339 HDL assignemt2.
This is the EEE339 assignment 1 Verilog personal implementation.