TaigaLaravel is a package used to handle the TaigaPHP library with Laravel 5.x (Laravel 4 is not supported).
Require this package with composer:
composer install tzk/taiga-laravel
NB. You can skip adding the service provider & the facade if you use the Package Auto-discovery (>=Laravel 5.5).
After updating composer, add the TaigaServiceProvider to the providers array in the config/app.php file:
If you want to use the facade you can also add this to your facades array in config/app.php:
'Taiga' => TZK\TaigaLaravel\Facades\Taiga::class,
You can publish configuration file if you want to provide extra HTTP header configurations:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="TZK\TaigaLaravel\TaigaServiceProvider"
Note: It is not necessary if you only want basic configuration, since
can be set using your .env file by adding the following keys.
You can get a new Taiga thanks to the facade:
$taiga = Taiga::newInstance();
$issues = $taiga->issues()->getList(['project' => $projectId]);
// or
// If you do not use Taiga::newInstance(), it will create automatically a new one
// each time you call a method via the facade.
$issues = Taiga::issues()->getList(['project' => $projectId]);
Or get an instance from the IoC container
$taiga = app(\TZK\Taiga\Taiga::class)...
There is more information about the package in the TaigaPHP repository.