##Group 3
Team members:
- Chen, Liangbin: lc3190
- Lin, Yifei: yl3594
- Schiltz, Marie: ms5293
- Zhang, Yini: yz3005
Project Summary:
In this project, we developed a shiny app of tobacco using exploratory data analysis and visualization techniques. We aim to visualize the correlation between tobacco consumption and its impacts on related diseases, as well as the relationship between tobacco consumption and commercial spendings. Given the desired year, gender and disease type, our app can easily reflect tobacco consumption and disease ratio of all states on leaflet map by different shades of color and different sizes of red circles, along with corresponding value popups. Our goal is to provide a handy tool for healthcare professionals, researchers and hostpitals when they conduct their studies on tobacco.
Link to the App https://marieslz.shinyapps.io/tobacco_-_health_issue_in_the_us/
The learning goals for this project is
- exploratory data analysis
- visualization
- shiny app
- app production work flow
This repo has been organized as follows.
├── app/
├── data/
├── doc/
├── lib/
└── output/
Screenshot: Commercial Spendings
Screenshot: Consumption Analysis
Contribution statement:
Liangbin Chen, Yifei Lin, Marie Schiltz and Yini Zhang designed the study, collected and cleaned data. Liangbin Chen and Yifei Lin developed the tobacco map. Yini Zhang carried out the states comparison and gender comparison parts of the app. Marie Schiltz completed the commercial spendings and consumption analysis parts. Marie Schiltz built the layout of the app. Yini Zhang, Marie Schiltz and Yifei Lin updated readme files and reorganized the GitHub repository. All team members contributed equally in all stages of this project. All team members approve our work presented in this GitHub repository including this contributions statement.
In this second project of GU4243/GR5243 Applied Data Science, we develop an Exploratory Data Analysis and Visualization shiny app on a topic of your choice using U.S. government open data released on the data.gov website. See Project 2 Description for more details.
The learning goals for this project is:
- business intelligence for data science
- data cleaning
- data visualization
- systems development/design life cycle
- shiny app/shiny server