
Connection fails when using ``

TaKO8Ki opened this issue · 5 comments

I have a question for @TaKO8Ki, I keep getting an error with name resolution in gobang.
Did you use Cloudware for name resolution in gobang?

This Case
MongoDB Name Resolved implementation.

use mongodb::bson::{self, doc, Bson};
use std::env;
use std::error::Error;
use tokio;

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
   // Load the MongoDB connection string from an environment variable:
   let client_uri =
      env::var("MONGODB_URI").expect("You must set the MONGODB_URI environment var!");

   // A Client is needed to connect to MongoDB:
   // An extra line of code to work around a DNS issue on Windows:
   let options =
      ClientOptions::parse_with_resolver_config(&client_uri, ResolverConfig::cloudflare())
   let client = mongodb::Client::with_options(options)?;

   // Print the databases in our MongoDB cluster:
   for name in client.list_database_names(None, None).await? {
      println!("- {}", name);

sainu commented

A similar error occurred when I tried to connect from gobang to mysql running in a docker container.

The information for the connection is as follows.

docker container

NAME                                    COMMAND                  SERVICE             STATUS              PORTS
sample_app-db-1                         "docker-entrypoint.s…"   db                  running   >3306/tcp


  • user: root
  • password: password


type = "mysql"
user = "root"
password = "password"
host = ""
port = 9989

And I got the same error message.


Additional information: I was able to connect to this database from tools such as mysql CLI, mycli, and Sequel Ace.app.

Could you use localhost as a host name if you have time? In the following case, it solved the problem.

#80 (comment)

sainu commented

@TaKO8Ki Thank you for your reply!
I changed the host from to localhost and it connected. 🎉

I am glad it worked out :) The SQL Toolkit gobang uses causes this problem and I am going to solve it.