
Connection with mysql fails when using ``

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Hehehe... lots of issues recently. Here is one more for you

For some reason, mysql 8 conection expects a domain name and it isn't possible to connect with

export DATABASE_URL='mysql://FOO:BAR@'

... error occurred while attempting to establish a TLS connection: InvalidDNSNameError

The same issue goes away when using localhost

a dns failure for localhost sounds like a system configuration problem, I often see it on fresh linux machines that don't have it setup in /etc/hosts

I completely misread that. Anyway.. heh. The solution is simple.


That's the standard syntax for using IPs in URLs.

Hum... That is strange. Now a new error arises:

error with configuration: invalid IPv6 address

This InvalidDNSNameError behavior only happens with MySQL 8. works fine for PostgreSQL and MariaDB

I'm having the same issue with using an IP address for connecting also.


   0: error occurred while attempting to establish a TLS connection: InvalidDNSNameError
   1: InvalidDNSNameError

I was not aware of the square brackets being standard syntax, I've not seen that in my life - it doesn't seem very standard lol.

I switched to square brackets and now receive this error:


The application panicked (crashed).
Message:  URL ParseError { invalid IPv6 address }
Location: C:\Users\User Name\.cargo\registry\src\\mysql-20.1.0\src\conn\

The bottom issue is caused by the mysql-20.1 crate. If I use the mysql-20.1 crate directly I receive the same error.

However, the square brackets are not required by the mysql-20.1 crate, so that seems to be an SQLx exclusive

You can use this tool to convert your IPv4 to an IPv6 address: Convert IPv4 to IPv6

As an example, use mysql://FOO:BAR@[0:0:0:0:0:ffff:7f00:1]:3306/BAZ rather than mysql://FOO:BAR@ for your DATABASE_URL.

Got error: invalid IPv6 address with the suggested url format: mysql://FOO:BAR@[ip-address]:3306/BAZ.

And converting the ip-address to ipv6 leads to another error: error: error communicating with the server: failed to lookup address information: nodename nor servname provided, or not known

Well, the cause turns out to be rustls(webpki underneath)'s lack support of ipaddress; In Cargo.toml, just change "runtime-tokio-rustls" to "runtime-tokio-native-tls"(i use tokio, e.g.), the issue should be gone.

NOTE there seems no need to wrap ipaddress inside brackets: mysql://FOO:BAR@[ipaddress]:3306/BAZ -> mysql://FOO:BAR@ipaddress:3306/BAZ

Indeed, the runtime selection causes this issue in MySQL as noted by @Notmeor .

kotx commented

I switched to the native-tls backend as a temporary workaround. Works as expected.
Edit: whoops, didn't see Notmeor's comment above.

On my local machine, I just pointed it to localhost, instead of and it worked. But not sure, it is a correct way or now?

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