🧰 The Rust SQL Toolkit. An async, pure Rust SQL crate featuring compile-time checked queries without a DSL. Supports PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite.
- abonander@launchbadge
- aedcN/A
- augustin-cheronlinapp
- baajarmehdeveloping a new AI project...
- cfeitong
- chenjianxinTaipei
- cluo
- davnav
- duanshuaiminzonli
- dwgill@solvhealth Solv
- ernadhCisco
- feihua
- FSMaxBGermany
- heiyelurenTAL China
- hongnod
- ivan
- jhcloos
- jonike
- jrouaixFreelance / Eventually Consultant
- KirillShamanToronto
- liutaon
- Neustradamus
- njust
- paolobarbolini@M4SS-Code
- slamj1SaasyCloud™.com
- smyrgeorgeBarcelona, Spain
- splade
- sungaoyong
- syphar@thermondo
- sysmatArnes
- timothyklim
- veduketToreans Engineering
- VersBinarii
- wellington1993Hotsoft Informática @hotsoft-desenv2
- xjump
- zhenqinshangtiandy