
This repository has been created just for warm-up in machine learning and there are my simulation files of UT-ML course HWs.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This repository has been created just for warm-up in machine learning and there are my simulation files of UT-ML course HWs. Relevent topics to each HW are:


Bayes Classification, MLE & MAP, Confusion Matrix


Logistic & Linear Regression, Density Estimation (Parzen), KNN, Bias-Variance Tradeoff, Regularization


Neural Networks, Convolutional Neural Networks, MADALINE, Decision Tree


LDF, SVM, Ensemble Learning, AdaBoost


Dimension Reduction, PCA, LDA, Clustering, K-means, EM, GMM

Requirements 🔧

  • or
  • 3.11.4 or higher

How to contribute to this repository

. Press the Fork button in order to save copy of this repo on your account.

. Download the files by pressing download button or clone this repo by the the following command in your git bash:


. Open project in jupyter notebook or google colab.

. Make a new branch.

   git checkout -b branch-name

. Make new changes of repository on new branch.

. Push the changes.

   git add .
   git commit -m "Your commit Message"
   git push origin branch-name

. Make a pull request.

. ⭐ this repository.